We Are Ocean
The Sea Is The Sky
Winner, Ocean for Oceans 2019

Bringing the seas

To the cities.

Most of us know the ocean is in poor-health. But most of us also live in cities where the ocean feels like a different world. What if we could drop the ocean into a conversation we Brits have every day? The weather.

It rains 133 days a year in the UK. Lots of that water comes from the sea. Could we use our rainy days to get landlocked Brits feeling more connected to the ocean?

We hooked digital billboards up to a weather API so that, when it rained, they showed sea creatures dangling rainclouds over the heads of passersby.

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Hedonistic sustainability

Sustainability has a bad name — a bit brown, a bit hessian-sack, a bit boring. Caring for our planet needs to be engaging. This campaign wins smiles with its playful, surreal imagery, and gets personal with the smarts of live weather data. The result is a charming and visceral reminder of our connection to the ocean every time we feel a raindrop on our heads.

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A project by Glimpse and We Are Ocean

We Are Ocean is a collective of marine NGO's and organisations motivated by a healthy ocean who are seeking to raise ocean literacy among UK citizens. Learn more on the We Are Ocean Website.

Glimpse are a collective of people from the creative industries using their skills to do good. We affect positive change by offering glimpses of what tomorrow could look like. Visit the Glimpse Website to get involved.

Thank you to Ocean Outdoor for awarding this campaign with £100,000 of free media space as a winner of their Ocean for Oceans competition.

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I illustrated this vision of a future where nature (us) thrives, and it was selected for exhibition at the Tate Modern.

Art direction
Graphic design

We designed a bike subscription service to help new cyclists in London.

Innovation design
Creative direction
Concept design

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